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Persons face up to thirty days in jail for selling oranges on the sidewalk.
Sec. 70-5. Selling food from open-air stands prohibited. The sale, keeping, storage or the offering for sale of any food from open-air stands in the city is prohibited. Such sale, keeping, storage, or the offering for sale of any food from open-air stands in the city shall be made only within the confines of an…
Persons may not spit on the steps of the opera house.
6-1D-2: EXPECTORATING ON SIDEWALKS OR IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS: It is unlawful for any person to spit or expectorate upon any of the public sidewalks, crosswalks, passes, byways or paths in the city, or upon the floor or steps of the public building, store, hotel, church, opera house, office room, schoolhouse or any other building in…