In cemeteries it is illegal to: get drunk, picnic, enter at night, and enter by one’s self if that person is younger than 10.

No person shall: (4) Use the cemeteries as picnic grounds, or consume alcoholic beverages in a cemetery, or bring the same upon the premises. (9) No child under the age of ten (10) years shall be allowed in any cemetery unless accompanied by an adult. (11) Be within the cemetery at any time other than…

Bands who play in clubs where alcohol is served may not leave the stage while performing.

Sec. 3-301. Live entertainment to remain on platform while performing. The owner or proprietor of an establishment selling alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption may permit in the establishment instrumental and/or vocal music or entertainment and/or radio and television entertainment whether such entertainment is provided by paid or voluntary live male or female entertainers or performers…