Sniffing glue is illegal

Sec. 24-2. Model glue. (a) As used in this section the term “model glue” shall mean any glue or cement of the type commonly used in the building of model airplanes, boats, and automobiles, containing toluene, acetone, or other solvent or chemical having the property of releasing toxic vapors. (b) No person shall, for the…

Appearing in public places wearing a “lewd dress” is prohibited.

10.16.090 Public indecency–Accosting females–Appearing in disguise. No person shall exhibit or expose himself naked, or disguised, or in any indecent or offensive manner to any person passing in the public places of the city, or to persons living in the neighborhood, or rudely, insultingly or offensively accost any female, or appear in the streets or…