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No animal may be hunted for on Sunday with the exception of raccoons, which may be hunted until 2:00 AM.
29.1-521. Unlawful to hunt, trap, possess, sell or transport wild birds and wild animals except as permitted; exception; penalty. A. The following shall be unlawful: 1. To hunt or kill any wild bird or wild animal, including any nuisance species, with a gun, firearm or other weapon on Sunday, which is hereby declared a rest…
No person shall raise pet rats.
Sec. 4-304. Raising rats. It is unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, harbor, raise or give away rats as pets, toys, premiums, novelties, or for any other purpose except as feed for reptiles or birds of prey or both, or as hereinafter set forth; or to bring or transport the same into…
You may be fined $750 for not closing a gate crossing over a road, river, stream, or ditch.
6-9-202. Neglect to close fences; penalty. A person is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) if he opens and neglects to close a gate or replace bars in a fence which crosses a private road or a river, stream or ditch.