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It is illegal to own gold
Executive Order 6102 was signed on April 5, 1933, by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt “forbidding the Hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States”. The order criminalized the possession of monetary gold by any individual, partnership, association or corporation. This was followed up by the Gold Reserve Act…
Any person who owns a pool risks a $2500 fine and a year in prison for not closing the gate to the pool when they get done swimming in it.
152-3. Gates. All gates shall be self-closing and self-latching, with latches placed at least four (4) feet above the ground. It shall be unlawful for any such gate to be allowed to remain unfastened while the pool is not in use. Fences shall be constructed so as to come within two (2) inches of the…
Every head of household must possess a firearm of some kind.
On May 1, 1982 the city passed an ordinance [Sec 34-1a] requiring every head of household to maintain a firearm together with ammunition. It was passed partly in response to a 1981 handgun ban in Morton Grove, Illinois. Kennesaw’s law was amended in 1983 to exempt those who conscientiously object to owning a firearm, convicted…
Exterior burglar bars which are viewable from the street are not allowed.
Sec. 18-3. Security/burglar bars. (a) Exterior security/burglar bars on doors and windows are not allowed within the city on buildings used for commercial or industrial purposes which would be visible from the street or adjacent structures. (b) Security/burglar bars shall be allowed on the interior of all buildings. Security/burglar doors shall be allowed only if…
It is illegal to remove a public building
Sec. 13-58. Removing or defacing buildings, fences; violation of section declared misdemeanor. A person may not deface, or injure or remove any fence, gate, railing, porch, building, or other structure upon public land, by writing, cutting or in any other manner within the corporate limits of the City. Any person who violates this section is…