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Riding a horse over any public highway for the purpose of racing, or testing the speed of the horse is illegal. Penalty: Maximum $20 fine and imprisonment for 10 days.
TITLE 11 Criminal Offenses CHAPTER 11-22 Highways SECTION 11-22-11 § 11-22-11 Testing speed of horse. Every person who shall drive any horse over any of the public highways, for the purpose of racing or trying the speed of the horse, shall be fined not more than twenty dollars ($20.00) or imprisoned not exceeding ten (10)…
Destin law states that a cat that viciously chases passers-by is a “bad cat”.
Sec. 4-8. Bad dog; bad cat. (a) It shall be unlawful and a civil infraction for the owner or custodian of any dog or cat to permit it to bite, inflict injury upon, or otherwise attack a person or another animal without provocation. Any dog or cat which attacks and bites a person or another…
No person may roller skate and listen to a radio at the same time.
12.58.060 Helmets, lamps, other required equipment and prohibited equipment. A. Operators of scooters, in-line skates or roller skates shall wear helmets approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the Snell Memorial Foundation, or the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), wrist guards, elbow pads and kneepads. B. Whenever an operator of a scooter,…
One may not allow his or her dog to chase a squirrel in the summer.
6.05.440 Dogs pursuing livestock, protected animals or game animals. It is unlawful for any person to permit any dog which is owned, harbored, or controlled by such person to pursue, wound, or kill any of the following: C. Game animals, during the closed hunting season of such animals; (Ord. 261 (part), 1996)