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It is illegal for a male doctor to examine a woman’s genitals by looking directly, but he may examine them by way of a mirror.
In light of the stringent religious beliefs in this part of the world, we find it fully plausible that this was once a law. The question is, is it still in practice?
Doctors who treat a person with gonorrhea must report this to the local board of health and include the disease’s “probable origin”.
Chapter 299 The Public Health Section 2. Local boards of health – diseased persons – physicians to report. It shall be the duty of every licensed physician, of every superintendent or manager of a hospital dispensary and of every person who gives treatment for a venereal disease, to mail to the local board of health…
Sexually oriented businesses may not open for business on Sundays.
Sec. 12-106. Hours of operation. No sexually oriented business shall open to do business before 10:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday or remain open after 12:00 midnight Monday through Saturday. No sexually oriented business shall open for business on a Sunday. This subsection shall not apply to an adult motel, nor to a business whose hours…
It is illegal to have sex with a cow.
Sec. 8-131. Crime against nature. Crime against nature is unlawful and is: (1) The unnatural carnal copulation by a human being with another of the same sex or opposite sex or with an animal, except that anal sexual intercourse between two (2) human beings shall not be deemed as a crime against nature when done…